Thursday, December 07, 2006

BOO to Janice Crouse

Mary Cheney, the daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, and her partner are expecting a baby. Congratulations to Mary and her partner Heather Poe.

But someone needs to bitch slap Janice Crouse of Concerned Women for America, who described the pregnancy as "unconscionable."

"It's very disappointing that a celebrity couple like this would deliberately bring into the world a child that will never have a father," said Crouse, a senior fellow at the group's think tank. "They are encouraging people who don't have the advantages they have."

What I think is unconscionable is that Janice Crouse thinks that it's any of her business what gay people do or don't do. Who fucking asked you, Janice? I am so fucking tired of religion being legislated in a country that likes to call itself free. We are NOT free. We have so many restrictions imposed on us that are based on Christian values. News Flash: Not everyone is Christian. If being gay is a sin for Christians, then I think they should be straight. Every damned one of them. They can meet in their churches and congratulate each other on their noisy, ill-behaved children and heterosexuality. But for those of us who don't subscribe to their value system, we should be free to be who we are.

I'm tired of this. It's never ending.


WestVillageKid said...

I. Hate. Janice. Crouse. She is evil.

Moby said...

Amen! ('nough said)