Sunday, July 06, 2008

Movie-Goer Etiquette

Dale and I went to Easton AMC to see "Hancock" last night. While the movie itself wasn't that bad, the experience was horrible. People do not know how to behave at the movie theater.

If you're going to go to a movie, please get there on time. And by on time, I mean at least 10 minutes early. There is nothing worse than watching a movie and knowing the inciting incident is unfolding on the screen, only to see a group of seven or so teenagers come strolling in giggling and looking for a good seat and discussing their options loudly.

You're probably thinking it could be worse and you're got worse. People were taking calls during the movie. And probably about 10 people kept flipping their cell phone open to text during the movie, their screens lighting up the theater like giant rude fireflies.

I hate rude people.


Tyler said...

I couldn't agree more! I can't stand the way people act at the movies. Hope you're doing well.

Moby said...

While watching Wanted this past weekend, these 2 guys and a girl talked thru the whole freaking movie. The one guy answered his cellphone twice! He finally got the hint when 3 different people, including myself, told him to shut it off.

Rude indeed!